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Connecting Moms Through Movement ™

Member Testimonials
"The mom runners in my group, Nottingham Trekkers, were a great inspiration for me to complete the Army 10-Miler in October. Our chats while we ran the W & OD Trail were a great distraction when running got tough! The kids enjoyed playing in the park afterwards, so our run doubled as a playgroup for them as well. I'm so glad SeeMommyRun was started -- it's been a great chance to pursue my hobby of running while meeting other moms. I'm looking forward to getting our group going again now the new year is here!"

Lisa L. (VA)

"One day I literally ran into a "stroller toting running group of moms" who invited me to join their weekly runs and it changed my life. SeeMOMMYrun.com is the most amazing gift to moms who want to exercise, meet people, and care for their babies all at the same time. Since October 2004 our running group members have helped each other deal with everything from parenting to breast cancer. We even had an evening jingle bell run at Christmas. We hope to plan a local run/walk event to raise money for hungry children this year. seeMOMMYrun provides the best of all worlds for fitness moms and anyone who wants to get out there and exercise with their little ones!"

Jennifer B. (VA)

"Thank you for starting such a fantastic website! I have a 5.5 month old (first baby) and decided to put my career on hold indefinitely to be home with her. It has been a HUGE life change! I don't know very many stay-at-home moms and I have been searching for women to run with me! Within 1 day of signing up on your website, I have already met 3 women. So thank you!"

Laurie V. (TX)

"I am so grateful for the seeMOMMYrun running group. It adds so much to my life"

Jen M.

"When I first moved to Colorado Springs 4 years ago to become a stay-at-home mom with my then 6 month old, I couldn't find anything and it was lonely and tough making friends. I would literally try to pick up moms at the parks and on the trails, like "Hi, what a cute baby! Do you come here often?" When I had my second child two years ago. I decided to start my own SMR group. It's been great! And I especially love it when a new mom who just moved to town finds us. It makes me feel so good. "

Tori G. (CO)

"I really thank you for this site, as I am a triathlete, and after my second child, was having a tough time finding the time, much less the motivation to exercise. With the group I have formed, I have planned the first 1/2 of 2006 with 1/2 marathons, 10k's and triathlons. I now realize that I need some me time as much as my family needs my time."

Kristin H. (AZ)

"Thank you so much for starting seeMOMMYrun. If it weren't for you and your WONDERFUL SeeMommyRun.com, I wouldn't be running like this at all! I might not even have had the opportunity extended to me to be coaching, which I love. I have you to thank for much of my progress running; you have motivated me to get back into what I once loved. So... thank you!! "

Heather M. (VA)

"I read about you and how you started seeMOMMYrun in Health magazine a few months ago and was so excited because I had been looking for something exactly like this since my son was born 17 months ago. I immediately logged onto the website and found Alicia and Holly and we've just kept growing. I had been exercising solo up until I found our group. But now that I have a chance to meet other moms and socialize, it really makes me excited and motivated to keep my exercise up. I enjoy our group so much and wanted to thank you for starting it for us!"

Shannon H. (TX)

"I'm so glad that someone like you saw that there were like-minded women out there -- moms with the desire to exercise and meet other moms -- and gave us a way to meet eachother. Bravo!"

Rosina G. (WA)

"Thank you so very much for this wonderful thing you have created. We are new to the whole thing but I think I speak for the group when I say how much your site is appreciated. Just less than a month ago, I knew no other local mommies and sat around my house all day. Now Ollie and I have places to go and people to see- all thanks to seeMommyrun.com"

Laura J. (GA)

seeMOMMYrun is a product and service of seeMOMMYrun™. All text and design © 2004-2025.