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⊶ Connecting Moms Through Movement ™

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newest walking/running group:


Hockessin, DE

"I am so grateful for the seeMOMMYrun
running group. It adds so much to my life"

- Jen M.

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Try It Now

Keeping Moms Moving.

Excite Your Neighborhood
Quickly get your neighborhood buzzing with activity. Start a walking or running grouip and get everyone moving!
Invite Your Friends
Instantly grow your inner and outer circles. Invite friends to join or Start a group and watch the magic of movement!
Track Your Miles
Been bouncing from one milage tracking program to another? Log your miles (and workouts) and keep them forever in one safe place.
Create Healthy Relationships
Need more health-conscious moms in your life? We have 65,000+ healthy moms waiting to greet you.
Get Free Therapy
Groups that run and walk together - also talk together. We call it "group therapy" and it really works.
Challenge Yourself
Monthly challenges keep us on our toes (or at least on our mid-foot strike). So, step up to our new challenges.

"Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller

It's free, it's fun, it's seeMOMMYrun!

seeMOMMYrun is a product and service of seeMOMMYrun™. All text and design © 2004-2025.